Dual training

BauTex is actively involved in the implementation of dual training in Russia. In cooperation with the colleges of the city, the company prepares future mechatronics specialists. A mechatronic is a universal specialist (mechanic, electrician, programmer), who alone can solve technical problems and this way reduce equipment downtime and increase labor productivity. The dual mechatronics training program started in September 2014 as part of the Russian-German project VETnet.  The coordinator of the project is the Russian-German Chamber of International Commerce (CIC).

Duration of study is 1 year and 10 months. The work of students is led by experienced mentors in the company.
At the end of the training, graduates pass an independent qualification exam according to German standards. After training, the company guarantees the employment of graduates.

Signing of the student contract

of employment

Monthly scholarship in the amount of min salary

Result of learning

Diploma of state form

Certificate from Russian-German
Chamber of International Commerce



The educational process is focused on obtaining practical knowledge and skills. The training is organized in such a way that students spend half of their study time in college, and the second half in the company, where the institute of mentoring is organized for students – 2-3 students are assigned to a qualified specialist. The term of study is 22 months.


The system of dual training with practice in the company is focused on adapting the student to a specific workplace and its full integration into the factory environment. As a result, the company receives qualified, trained personnel, and students receive a prestigious international certificate, diplomas and guaranteed employment in the company.